We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new True Beauty Rewards Program. We’ve added lots of exciting and exclusive rewards to say thank you to our amazing customers…like you! We appreciate the support that we receive, and we thought it would be amazing to give back.
Here is how it works.
  • Sign up – Create an account: 75 points.
  • Subscribe to our newsletter: 50 points.
  • Birthday gift: 150 points
  • Follow on Instagram: 40 points
  • Follow us on TikTok 40 points
  • Share on Facebook 50 points
  • Earn points – Earn points every time you shop.
  • Redeem points – Redeem points for exclusive discounts.
Join the True Beauty Club to earn points every time you shop. You can turn those points into free skincare, plus get exclusive discounts & offers.
How to use your points
You earned them, use them! You can redeem your points for $$ off your next purchase, or cash them in for a free product of your choice.
Turn points into $$$