What is Face Mapping?
Face mapping is an ancient medicinal technique that involves making connections between problems affecting someone’s face and their overall health. An approach that combines elements of Eastern and Western medicine philosophies.
These guidelines may not apply to everyone. For example, if you have consistent breakouts on your forehead, it doesn't automatically mean that you have liver problems. There are many other factors that can be responsible for acne including chemicals in skincare products, pollution, allergies, hormones and genetics.
However, understanding the concept of face mapping may give you an idea of an underlying health concern which could be the root of your skin problems. Basically, every bump, pimple, rash, and spot have an internal cause. Face mapping can pinpoint what is going on inside your body by the things that show up on your face.
Acne is one of the most popular applications of this theory. The idea is that acne flare ups that repeatedly develop on certain locations on the face, such as the chin or forehead, have specific causes. Face mapping can also be used to help treat issues like redness, rashes due to food allergies, lines, puffiness and wrinkles.
Forehead - The forehead is linked to the digestive system. Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome can show up here via breakouts or lines. So can a poor diet, a lack of sleep, and increased stress levels.
Temples - The temples represent the kidneys and bladder. Infections or inflammation in these areas can present themselves via acne. Medications that aren’t agreeing with your body can also have an effect here.
Eyebrows - The space between the eyebrows corresponds with the liver. The liver plays a detoxification role, so toxins from negative emotions or a bad diet can be detrimental to this facial area.
Eyes - Under the eyes is linked to bodily fluids. Stress or a lack of water can lead to puffiness, eye bags, or dark circles.
Nose - The nose is split into two parts. The left side signifies the left side of the heart and the right relates to the right side. Any heart-related blockages reportedly show up in the form of redness or blackheads, and oiliness or breakouts could be a sign of blood pressure or cholesterol problems.
Cheeks - The cheeks relate to the stomach, spleen, and respiratory system. Red cheeks may be a sign of stomach inflammation. Breakouts may be linked to allergies or sinus issues.
Mouth - The mouth symbolizes the stomach and colon. Ulcers in this area may be a sign of stomach ulcers or a raw or cold diet that forces the stomach to go into overdrive to heat up the food.
Chin - The jawline and chin correspond with the hormonal and reproductive system. Pimples here may relate to the menstrual cycle or feelings of stress.